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Sunshine Blogger Award #3 | Get to Know Me

This past November, I was honored to be nominated for my 3rd Sunshine Blogger Award by Nina of She writes about a variety of topics, but much of her content focuses on travel or the outdoors. Please check out her original Sunshine Blogger Award post here.

Sunshine Blogger Rules

Nina’s Questions

1. What is your favorite season and why?

Nothing beats New England in the Fall. The air becomes crisp, the leaves change color, and the air is filled with the scent of apples, bonfires, and freshly fallen trees.

Fall in New England

2.  When did you learn to drive?

In high school! 🙂

3.  What is your favorite book and why?

This is so hard because I love reading. However, the Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe is one of my all-time favorites.

Coffee shops like Caffe Nero a favorite for blog writing & planning

4.  How long have you been blogging for?

I’ve been blogging on-and-off since 2018, but consistently on The Newbury Girl since February 2018.

5. Do you prefer tea or coffee or neither?

Iced coffee – all year round! I’ve never been a big tea drinker, but I wish I liked it more.

6. How many siblings do you have?

One older sibling.

7. Where do you live?

In the northeast, united states. I love getting to experience all four seasons to the fullest extent and although sometimes too blunt, I love how direct New Englanders’ can be.

8. What is your favorite place you have visited?

Sydney, Australia. Not only was the weather beautiful, but everyone I met was friendly and I loved the laidback daily culture.

Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia

9. When is your next holiday and where?

I’m hoping that my next trip will be in Toronto, Canada. I’ve never been there (or anywhere in Canada) before. Every photo of the city looks stunning I’ve seen looks stunning.

However, since that trip is still pending, I’ll mention my last trip, New York. I’m always visiting New York City since so many of my friends are there. Also, there is always something to do and something interesting to see no matter what borough you’re exploring..

The Brooklyn Museum

10. Are you a savory or sweet person?

Sweet for sure – I am a chocolate fiend.

11. What is a random fact about you that few people know?

When I was a kid, read the first Harry Potter novel from front-to-back within a matter of 4.5 hours.

My Sunshine Blogger Award Questions

  1. What is your biggest blogger goal for 2019?
  2. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  3. What is the best advice you received as a blogger?
  4. Pick one: Netflix, Hulu, or HBO?
  5. What are you most looking forward to in 2019?
  6. If you could wake up tomorrow speaking another language, what would it be?
  7. What was your least favorite song from 2018?
  8. Who was the first artist/musician you saw in concert?
  9. Pick one: Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter?
  10. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or living, who would it be?
  11. Share your favorite post from 2018. Why is this your favorite?

My Nominees

  1. Christine @ Glamour With Christine
  2. Janja @ Seeking Wonderful
  3. Kate @ Katedaysaweek
  4. Charlotte @ Multibendy Beauty
  5. Natalie @ A Mother’s Trend
  6. Beth Anne @ My Name is Beth Anne
  7. Felecia @ Felecia Monique
  8. Girl on The Fly @ A Girl Catching Flights
  9. Linda @ Rocking the Spectrum
  10. Andrea @ Perks of Being Different
  11. Rosie @ Books and Stuff

I know that not all of you will do this tag, but I hope that this post brightens up your day. Happy Blogging!

Let’s connect on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest  | Bloglovin’

Did you enjoy my third Sunshine Blogger Award Post? Check out my first Sunshine Blogger Award or second Sunshine Blogger Award.

I know that not all of you will do this tag, but I hope that this post brightens up your day. Happy Blogging!

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