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Sunshine Blogger Award: Advice for New Bloggers

The Sunshine Blogger Award

As the title of this post suggests, I was nominated for my 2nd Sunshine Blogger Award! I am so thankful to Rio Rose Ribaya of Reverie & Reviews for this nomination. Please check out her post here. Keep reading for my advice for new bloggers!

Blogging Awards & Tags

This fall has been a momentous for my blog due to the amazing support I’ve received from the blogging community on Twitter. Moreover, I’ve read so many thoughtful, creative, and well-crafted posts. Also, I got the opportunity to connect with many new bloggers.

However, some of the most exciting things to happen this year revolve around the blogger tags and nominations. One of the coolest things has been seeing some of my blogger friends take on the Ride or Die Beauty challenge I tagged them in. Also, I loved reading posts from those bloggers they tagged! Here are a few posts you should check out:

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

RELATED: Sunshine Blogger Award #1

Rio’s Questions: Advice for New Bloggers

1. What is your blog all about?

I mainly blog about beauty-related content. However, I write about wellness and sustainability, too. Unfortunately, my current posting schedule makes it difficult to post more diverse content beyond beauty. For example, posting 1-2 posts a month makes it difficult to weave in non-beauty content while still keeping my beauty focus. 

2. What inspired you to blog?

First, I needed a creative, t passion-filled outlet outside of my work life. Also, I felt like blogging was a natural fit for me given that I’ve always loved the beauty and lifestyle space.

3. What makes your content unique?

I struggled with “makeup addiction” for some time – i.e. the need to always buy the latest release or to overspend. For example, I tried to use addictive online shopping to buy my happiness (and I was wasting a ton of money in the process).

Now, I try to make an effort to shop less frequently, spend less, and use more of what I already own. As a result, this experience colors my blog posts. In fact, I always share honest reviews (good or bad) and my struggles to control my spending. Ultimately, transparency is key.

RELATED: Makeup Addiction: Breaking the Habit

4. How do you plan your posts?

Originally, I didn’t have a set plan for my posts. Instead, I developed a standard posting schedule. From there, I tried to write posts ahead of time.  Ultimately, I never want to stress out the night before my posting day.

However, I’ve recently developed an actual blog post planner to help me better organize my content calendar. Read this post on how to write a kickass blog post .

5. Can you share your strategies?

I use a pen & some paper to coordinate and plan ahead for my blog posts each month. I pre-plan for a few reasons. First, planning ahead assists me in posting more frequently. Second, planning ahead helps me to write more posts ahead of time. Third, planning ahead allow me to infuse more wellness & sustainability-focused content.

6. Are you learning new skills to improve your craft?

Yes – happy to say that I’ve learned new skills. Additionally, reading helpful [and free] posts from other bloggers or digital experts has been key to improvement.

7. How do you grow your following?

Social media has been key in helping me to grow my following and interact with more blogger. In fact, many of the ladies I’ve nominated below I met through Instagram or Twitter. In fact, read this blog post full of Twitter tips for bloggers.

8. If you’re not blogging, what do you think you will be doing instead?

If I’m not blogging, I’m probably reading, taking a barre class, or with friends and family. 

9. What’s your favorite part about blogging?

I love that blogging allows me to connect with others from around the world. Also, I love that blogging has given me a newfound voice. Finally, through blogging I found a way to share my passions.

10. What do you hate about it?

I hate the stress that comes along with trying to grow page views and followers. For a while, I became really disheartened and lost the joy that blogging provided. More specifically, I felt sad that I wasn’t connecting with others or growing at the rate I expected.

11. What piece of advice can you say to struggle bloggers, who are feeling demotivated?

Don’t compare your growth to others – it will only bring stress and misery. We all grow at our own pace depending on our niche, our posting strategies, and the time that we have to devote to amplifying our content.

Also, try connecting with other bloggers on social media. Making friends is pivotal for staying motivated and feeling supported when blogging gets tough.

My Questions

  1. What inspired you to start your blog?
  2. Where is the last place you traveled to?
  3. If you could wake up tomorrow working your dream job, what would it be?
  4. What is your biggest goal for 2019 (blog, professional, or personal)?
  5. Pick only one: Netflix, Hulu, Prime TV, or YouTube?
  6. What is your favorite holiday and why?
  7. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
  8. What is your favorite food?
  9. Where do you typically write your blog posts – at home or in public (ex. a coffee shop)?
  10. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
  11. Pick only one: Sephora, Ulta, Blue Mercury, or the Drugstore? (If the drug store, which one?)

My Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees

  1. Alana Nicole @ Solely Living
  2. Sarah Leigh @ Life it or Not
  3. Anna @ Stralthy
  4. Alex @ California Pollution
  5. ALJ @ MyLifelines
  6. Erica @ Grand Fash Life
  7. Jenni @ Housewife Hustle
  8. Monique @ Renting the Rain
  9. Jenny @ Sparkle and Style
  10. Kiran @ Design the Lifestyle You Desire
  11. Yaya @ My Dreamality

Know that you all won’t do this post. However, I wanted to give you all a shout out since I am always excited to read your latest posts. Also, I hope this nomination brightens up your day. Finally, thanks for writing such awesome blogs! Looking forward to reading your responses.

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If you enjoyed reading this post full of advice for new bloggers, check out my first Sunshine Blogger Award Post or my third Sunshine Blogger Award Post.

If you aren’t already following these amazing bloggers, please check them out. What is your best advice for new bloggers? 

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